We present JOB&Orienta
The trade fair dedicated to Career Guidance, Schools, Training and Jobs
From 27th to 30th November 2024, JOB&Orienta will take place in Verona! Numerous in-person events will take place at the Verona Fair, integrated by a multidimensional and interactive digital ecosystem.
The event involves two main dimensions in close synergy, which have always been its strengths:
- The exhibition programme comprises inperson stands and virtual showcases, where schools, academies and universities, training organisations, languages schools, travel agencies, manufacturers and resellers of tools for education, institutions, job centres and employment agencies, companies, trade associations and trade unions present themselves and offer comprehensive and diversified proposals.
- The cultural programme is divided into a packed calendar of events offered in various formats according to the target audience. Conferences and debates, seminars and workshops, laboratories and performances are included in the schedule dedicated to operators and sector professionals, institutional representatives, teachers, trainers, students and families, and young people.
Our partnerships
Union is our strength. We introduce you to our partners
Over the years, collaborations and partnerships with JOB&Orienta have grown steadily, helping to increase the importance and recognition of the event on the one hand, and opportunities for learning and discussion available to visitors on the other hand. These are local and national institutions and bodies, trade associations, associations and coordinators of the school, training and job system, and third sector and voluntary organisations. Their active and lively participation also contributes to the importance of the event, making it the leading national trade fair/conference for schools, training and active employment policies.
JOB&Orienta 2024 is promoted by
In collaboration with
Under the patronage of
With the media partnership of
The teacher training program has been realized in collaboration with
Technical partner

Veronafiere S.p.A.
viale del Lavoro, 8 – 37135 Verona
tel. +39 045 8298 111 – fax +39 045 8298 288
web www.veronafiere.it
Event Manager JOB&Orienta
Francesca Zivelonghi
tel. +39 045 8298154 – email zivelonghi@veronafiere.it
Segreteria Organizzativa
Layx srl – via dei Colli, 131 – 35134 Padova
tel. +39 049 8726 599
web www.layx.it – email job@layx.it
Ufficio Stampa
IKON Comunicazione di Marta Giacometti
tel. +39 049 8764542 – fax +39 049 8774956
email ufficiostampa@ikoncomunicazione.com

Contact the organising office, request a quote
+39 049 8726599