JOB&Orienta has always been an excellent Trade Fair focused on Career Guidance, Schools, Training and Jobs. With thirty years of history and a constant ability to renew itself, it is Italy’s biggest event on these topics. It is designed to meet the guidance needs of students and families, support young job seekers, bring industry operators together, and review the best experiences.
In 2023, 400 exhibitors, 220 programmed events, 45,000 in-person visitors in attendance at the Verona Fair and 35,000 online visitors.
Take part in the largest sector event, take part at JOB&Orienta.
Download the general regulations

Contact the organising office, request a quote
+39 049 8726599
Who can exhibit?
Six themed areas for six spheres
Education, School and Teacher training
Organisations offering teacher training courses, national and local institutions proposals ideas for teachers and students, first and second level secondary schools, category associations providing services for teachers, entities focusing on awareness of environmental and social topics, sport federations, voluntary associations and educational workshops.
Tools for Education
Manufacturers and retailers of innovative educational technologies, school supplies and furniture, companies manufacturing and retailing school accessories, entities promoting the use of technologies in schools and among young people, publishing houses and education and training websites, workshops on stands introducing the use of technologies in education.
Foreign languages, Tourism and Mobility
Tour operators, museum systems, nature and theme parks, companies operating in the tourism sector and tourism entities, as well as institutes and schools specialised in teaching foreign languages and organisations providing study trips, internships and study years abroad.

Academies and Universities
A great many Italian and international universities, institutes and academies will have the opportunity to outline their programmes and study courses, curricular and extracurricular activities, as well as the chance or hold entrance exam simulations.
Jobs and Higher Education
Companies (even in relation to recruiting), trade associations, employment agencies, employment centres, private employment companies, entities promoting business and self-employment skills, master courses and specialisation schools, higher education entities and institutions.
Vocational Training
Regions, schools and professional training institutions, higher technical institutes (ITS) from all over Italy: scope also for trades, from the most traditional to the most innovative, and related training courses to acquire necessary skills. As well as proposals by the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

Contact the organising office, request a quote
+39 049 8726599